A renowned American musician underwent assisted suicide in September of this year, despite having no terminal illness. Anton Fier traveled to Switzerland,...
A right-to-die group in the Netherlands is suing the government in an attempt to expand the country’s already-lax euthanasia laws even further. The...
More than one million people participated in a series of pro-life marches which took place throughout Mexico on the weekend of October...
Canada, though having only recently legalized medical aid in dying (MAiD), has some of the least restrictive assisted suicide laws in the...
A baby in the UK reportedly survived an abortion at 20 weeks in October of 2021, and lived for five hours and...
A Canadian woman died recently from euthanasia through the country’s medical assistance in dying (MAiD) laws, but she admitted in her own...
A neonatal nurse, arrested in 2020 for allegedly killing or attempting to kill babies in the neonatal unit where she worked, pleaded...
The Royal Oldham Hospital has admitted fault in the death of a preborn baby girl, according to the Manchester Evening News (M.E.N). Amy...
Less than four years ago, preborn children were protected from abortion in Ireland. Now, those ministering to women in need and working...
Another person with disabilities is seeking euthanasia in Canada — not because he’s dying, but because he’s struggling to access the quality...
A mother is speaking out after her son, who battled mental illness, was a victim of euthanasia in Canada despite not being...
Two winners were crowned Mr. and Miss India with Down Syndrome as part of a historic pageant that took place last month....
A woman in British Columbia has been convicted for playing a part in the starvation death of a woman in her care....
India’s Supreme Court ruled last week that single women can now access abortion at 24 weeks rather than the country’s previous 20-week...