Two recent events in Pennsylvania have helped highlight the abortion industry’s corruption, while underscoring the urgent need for change. On May 26,...
Via The Morning Call: The Health Department inspected the Allentown center on May 26 and said operators “failed to maintain a safe...
I hope everyone notices the irony in the news today. Because Planned Parenthood has been defunded $1.8 million in New Hampshire, they...
Good news for Planned Parenthood? They are not the only abortion providers that fail to report child rapes. Three Louisiana abortion clinics...
Americans United for Life just dropped a bombshell on Planned Parenthood with their new 37-page report that summarizes the abortion giant’s scandals...
On Friday, I reported on how the Kansas Health Department is investigating the state’s 3 remaining abortion clinics according to strict new...
Exciting news out of Kansas this week–in addition to its defunding of Planned Parenthood, the state also passed a new law giving...
Catholics for Choice is an organization that advocates for the right to abort one’s child — against established Catholic church teaching. While...
From LifeNews: The Chicago Tribune newspaper has released the details of a new investigative report revealing the number of abortions in the...
Sydney and Tess Volanski are two amazing young girls who are standing up for the truth–even though it may be unpopular. These...
Eearlier this week, I noticed something funny going on in the web menus over at Planned Parenthood’s site. In the past, under...
During the fight in Congress over Planned Parenthood, we repeatedly were told defunding the nation’s largest abortion provider would harm women’s health....
In an editorial yesterday, the LA Times proclaimed: “we believe abortion should be treated like any other medical procedure for funding purposes”...
On her April 13th MSNBC show, Rachel Maddow made the following observation: “The thing that no one really seems to be saying...