Operation Rescue has uncovered a troubling 911 audio recording in which a Planned Parenthood employee in Aurora, Illinois, called emergency personnel requesting...
In an interview with Live Action president Lila Rose, former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman revealed the details about why she was once...
Abortion pill investors are doing their level best to remove the FDA’s safeguards on the abortion pill. This would make abortion less...
A pregnant Mississippi woman was found dead last month after reportedly refusing to place her baby for adoption, according to the Holmes...
The media (which typically treats abortion advocates much more favorably than pro-life advocates) is fawning over Planned Parenthood’s “acting” president, former Board...
A report claiming abortion is safe, published in March of 2018 by the National Academies of Science (NASEM), was funded by abortion collaborators...
A TelAbortion study sponsored by the pro-abortion Gynuity Health Projects, describes potentially serious complications participants might suffer, but gives a misleading description of fetal...
Pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue has received a 911-recording in which a facility worker requested an ambulance for a patient in distress...
A friend of a 21-year-old University of Mississippi student whose body was found near a lake on July 20 revealed to the...
A program at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) trains students to commit abortion using various fruits like papayas and watermelons...
While Planned Parenthood staffers leave the abortion business in droves, the media appears complicit with the abortion corporation in making ousted president...
Planned Parenthood has declared its intention to “go on the offense” by releasing an agenda for the expansion of abortion, which says,...
How does the abortion pill affect a preborn baby in the event that a woman chooses to attempt to reverse the effects...
An infamous abortionist who killed a teenager in a botched abortion told a pro-choice audience in 2007 that he had a “license...