Three years ago, a 24-year-old mother was killed in a botched abortion at a Chicago Planned Parenthood. Tonya Reaves was engaged to...
An eighth video released this morning by the Center for Medical Progress reveals even more grisly details about the trade of aborted baby parts by...
The pro-life group Silent No More, which compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, has released a document containing women’s...
Pro-life writer Phoebe Lee did research on Planned Parenthood for her book Casualties of Indulgence: from Life to Aborted. She wrote about...
After the release of a temporary restraining order barring the release of videos involving StemExpress executives, Center for Medical Progress — the group...
The latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress detailing Planned Parenthood’s fetal parts business contains many disturbing aspects. This video,...
Silent No More has compiled the testimonies of women who had abortions or abortion referrals at Planned Parenthood. These women all had...
This morning, The Center for Medical Progress released new interview footage that shows former StemExpress blood and tissue procurement technician Holly O’Donnell. In the video,...
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will investigate the Obama administration’s connection to Planned Parenthood in the aftermath of multiple...
A book by a former clinic worker describes how one woman had an abortion because her baby was handicapped. The woman talks about being...
Silent No More is an organization that gathers the testimonies of women who had abortions and regret them. Their website has some...
In the year 2000, ABC News did an undercover investigation on the selling of aborted human fetuses for profit. Chris Wallace, reporting...
On August 10, Abby Johnson of And Then There Were None, shared the story of a former Planned Parenthood security guard named...
The Center for Medical Progress released a new tape today that features an interview with former StemExpress blood and tissue procurement technician Holly O’Donnell. In the...