The commercialization of human flesh sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie instead of the reality of what’s happening in...
This is the fourth part of a series; you can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here and Part 3 here....
( As someone on Twitter noted, “Each video just gets worse and worse.” The latest video release from The Center for Medical...
CONTENT WARNING: This article contains screenshots below of Planned Parenthood staff pulling out body parts such as kidney and spinal structure from...
The Montana section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is admittedly for abortion. They also oppose many abortion restrictions. In March,...
D&E (Dilation and Evacuation) abortions are commonly used for second trimester abortions. These are the abortions that some lawmakers label as “dismemberment”...
When the first undercover Planned Parenthood video was released, most people, previously ignorant of what actually happened behind the scenes in an...
This is the third part of a series; you can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. “These grizzly practices take...
If all the naysayers – and the White House, for that matter – are looking for proof that Planned Parenthood broke federal...
The recent scandal regarding Planned Parenthood and their involvement in the sale of body parts from aborted babies is now affecting other...
This is the second part of a series; you can read part 1 here. Vicki Evans, who in 2009 wrote a startling...
If you came in during the middle of the discussion, you would probably think they were talking about peanut butter. Some people...
Carol Everett was the director of four abortion clinics and the owner of two. She was eventually driven from the abortion industry...
The Center for Medical Progress has Planned Parenthood deeply concerned. The abortion giant is in full-on defense mode. CMP has now released...