This is the second part of a series; you can read part 1 here. Vicki Evans, who in 2009 wrote a startling...
If you came in during the middle of the discussion, you would probably think they were talking about peanut butter. Some people...
Carol Everett was the director of four abortion clinics and the owner of two. She was eventually driven from the abortion industry...
The Center for Medical Progress has Planned Parenthood deeply concerned. The abortion giant is in full-on defense mode. CMP has now released...
I love Warren Hern, he serves a purpose. I mean, he just lives in an alternate universe. He just lives in Warren’s...
( Today, The Center for Medical Progress released its second video exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal participation in aborted baby parts trafficking, as the current headline on Drudge indicates (which...
Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director’s Council and current medical director of Planned Parenthood of Pasadena and San Gabriel...
A new video further unmasking Planned Parenthood’s abortion business has been released online by The Center for Medical Progress. The revealing tape comes on the heels...
While much of the nation was gaping in shock at the release of the undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood’s potential profiting off...
As Live Action News has reported, up until Friday evening, there were five states as well as the top leaders of Congress...
Since the release of the Center for Medical Progress’ investigative video implicating Planned Parenthood in the harvesting and sale of baby body...
Much of the debate swirling around the undercover Planned Parenthood video focuses on whether Dr. Deborah Nucatola’s comments actually indicate that the...
Planned Parenthood is under fire after an undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress revealed that the abortion giant is profiting off the...
Congress has announced it will investigate Planned Parenthood in light of a horrifying video showing the abortion giant selling aborted baby organs and...