An undercover video recorded by the non-profit organization, Center for Medical Progress, shows Planned Parenthood Federation Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah...
In her book “Abortion & Life,” pro-abortion author Jennifer Baumgardner quotes Loretta Ross, the then-national coordinator of the pro-choice organization SisterSong: Women of...
A woman decided to have a late-term abortion because the baby had spina bifida, and would likely be in a wheelchair. Some techniques...
Clinic worker “Diana” was comfortable with handling late-term aborted babies until she saw one with hair: Sterile room is so fast-paced. And...
In the United States, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act requires abortionists and staff to give medical care to a child accidentally born...
Operation Rescue reports the first abortion facility closure in the wake of the recent Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision, which...
An abortion doctor named David Peters made the following creepy comment in a 2013 article about clinic regulations: I can stick needles...
Many people are not aware that abortions done in the late second and third trimester are legal, but they happen every day...
Norma McCorvey was the plaintiff in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which forced legal abortion throughout the country. Few people know that she...
Carol Everett, who directed four abortion clinics and owned two, said the following in a speech at the conference “Meet the Abortion...
New York abortion clinic director and owner Merle Hoffman, who has since retired, said the following at a conference of the National...
Twenty-one-year-old Fallan Kurek died of a pulmonary embolism, caused by a birth control pill – Rigevidon – that she had been taking...
You don’t usually see abortion workers giving much significance to preborn babies. If you look at most abortion clinic websites (in fact,...
In the prolife movement, there have been a number of dedicated and outspoken activists who are former employees of Planned Parenthood. Just...