Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson sent out a message today about a conversation she had with a clinic worker who called...
A new study by the Brookings institute has found that rich women have more abortions than poor women. These findings contradict those...
A New York Times article entitled “Under Pressures and Stigma, More Doctors Shun Abortion” sheds light on some of the reasons why there...
A report presented at the 1977 annual meeting of the Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians described the negative feelings abortionists might have...
Cedar River Clinics is a group of three abortion clinics in Washington that performs abortions all the way past 23 weeks. On...
Again and again, Planned Parenthood is found tweeting about Black Americans – Black History Month, #BlackLivesMatter, Ferguson. It would be fair to...
Whenever people refer to abortion as “health care”, they should remember incidents like this. Abortionists don’t care about protecting women; they care...
As the founder of America’s largest abortion chain, Margaret Sanger’s ideology for Planned Parenthood was cemented in eugenics, the belief and practice...
About ten miles north of downtown Chicago lies Lincolnwood, a small village with a horrendous tale. In May, 2009, 18-year-old Antonesha Ross...
In the second trimester, abortions are sometimes done by dismemberment (D & E) and other times by inducing labor after injecting a...
Some pro-lifers have been known to compare abortion to the Holocaust. These comparisons infuriate many people. While the loss of human life...
Abortion clinics operate every day in the United States, suctioning and tearing preborn babies out of their mother’s wombs. What happens to...
Author Sue Hertz interviewed clinic workers and observed antiabortion activity at a busy abortion clinic. Her book was written during the height...
A clinic worker identified as “Sarina” said: And, in the beginning, yes, I remember standing behind this woman’s shoulder [as an abortionist performed...