A new report from the Australian Strategy Policy Institute (ASPI) obtained by the Associated Press revealed that the birthrate in the Xinjiang region...
Two babies made headlines earlier this month when each of them was safely surrendered by their parents under Safe Haven laws in...
A pro-life activist outside an abortion business in San Antonio has been credited with saving the life of a woman who was...
In a video released by March for Life UK, a post-abortive woman named Natalia recalled how she became pregnant at age 20. She and...
The Supreme Court of the United States announced on Monday that it will hear the case surrounding Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban known...
A New Zealand couple is speaking out about their heartbreak as a result of a tragic surrogacy experience. Using the pseudonyms “Jane”...
German doctors have removed a ban on assisted suicide from their code of conduct, a move that further opens the door to...
(National Review) On Thursday, the Pew Research Center released the first nationwide poll on sanctity-of-life issues since Joe Biden’s inauguration. Like the...
Live Action News has previously addressed abortion advocates’ aggressive efforts to repeal Illinois’ parental notification law, which significantly and negatively impacts the...
A record high number of people were euthanized in the Netherlands in 2020, according to horrifying new reports from media outlets in...
At the end of 2020, abortion was officially legalized in Argentina. Women are now able to abort their children through 14 weeks...
Abby Shapiro Roth, who is a trained opera singer and the creator of the Classically Abby channel on YouTube, as well as...
On Wednesday, May 5, The Hill is hosting a webinar called “Future of Healthcare: Bold Bets in Health.” Featuring prominent doctors and...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco archbishop is the latest Catholic official to call for public figures who support abortion to be...