(Pregnancy Help News) Rebekah Hagan was just 17 years old when she checked into her first prenatal appointment. While consulting with the nurse,...
While there is still more to learn about how vulnerable pregnant women are to the coronavirus (COVID-19), there appears to be good...
(WASHINGTON, DC—C-FAM) Democrat Senators released a bill to reverse President Trump’s COVID-19 pandemic response efforts, his pro-life policies, and cede Presidential prerogatives to...
The Illinois Federation for Right to Life (an affiliate of National Right to Life) recently shared a series of fact sheets summarizing...
A devastating terrorist attack on a hospital in Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul left 24 people dead on Tuesday, most of them...
(Life Site News) The Trump administration may exclude the abortion industry from federal family planning funds, thanks to the 9th Circuit Court of...
On Wednesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that a California church could challenge the state mandate to...
In a recent podcast, 40 Days for Life president and CEO Shawn Carney and two other 40 Days for Life directors — Steve...
One author, who otherwise opposes abortion, summed up many peoples’ views on abortion in cases of rape when he wrote that a...
(National Review) It’s become something of an annual tradition for abortion-advocacy groups to celebrate Mother’s Day with tweets and email campaigns, attempting to...
Some birth control advertisements imply that periods are an unnecessary inconvenience, and a 2015 piece in The Atlantic went so far as...
Dr. Jeffrey Barke, a family physician and the medical director of Pathways to Independence (an organization dedicated to transforming the lives of...
Just days after complaining about “incompetent doctors” on Twitter, a Black and Puerto Rican first-time mom died during childbirth at Montefiore Medical...
(Life Site News) As numerous states suspend elective abortions as part of their response to the coronavirus, procedures are on the rise in...