In a book about abortion doulas, who comfort women as they abort their babies, pro-choice authors Mary Mahoney and Lauren Mitchell tell...
By now you’ve heard that a little over two weeks ago, Facebook restricted Live Action because two of their videos were labeled...
A newborn baby boy was found in a container next to a dumpster in Arlington, Texas, on Saturday morning by a woman...
Last week while speaking at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Tennessee Representative London Lamar compared pro-life women to the women who were...
Will County officials in Illinois announced during a press conference on Thursday that the 2,246 aborted preborn children’s remains found in the...
A new study published in the journal Genetics in Medicine has found that prenatal screening for the genetic condition cystic fibrosis (CF)...
The lone abortion facility in Toledo, Ohio has announced that it will no longer commit surgical abortions. The move comes after a...
According to St. Joseph County Right to Life (SJCRTL), four of the group’s 10 benches in South Bend, Indiana, advertising abortion pill...
September is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month. Around 1 in 10 women of childbearing age (15-44 years old according to the...
Vice President Mike Pence took to Twitter on Monday regarding the discovery of 2,246 aborted babies in the home of a deceased...
An article in Us News and World Report, a publication not known for being pro-life, tells the story of Nichole Anderson, who...
Exsanguination is a little-known form of abortion no one seems to talk about – until recently. By definition, exsanguination is the action...
Today, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told U.S. Senator Josh Hawley that Facebook was wrong to censor pro-life group Live Action, and that...
According to LifeSiteNews, Judge Christopher C. Hite issued a 15-page ruling on Monday stating that he will not quash the search warrant...