There is a strong relationship between the sexual revolution and abortion. The sexual revolution separated the two natural aims or ends of...
Motorcycle groups elicit the leather-clad tough guy image many know from Sons of Anarchy, but less well-known is the history of charitable...
The National Abortion Federation (NAF) has announced a new self-serving plan to give out prepaid gas cards to help shuttle women to...
Two abortion-related clinics in Brooklyn might shut down as a result of the new Title X family planning rule but not because...
Dr. Deborah Anderson, a professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Boston University, has published a piece in the New England Journal of...
Dr. LeRoy Carhart, who commits late-term abortions, used no euphemisms in an interview with British reporter Hilary Andersson for the BBC on...
Harvard Constitutional Law professor Laurence Tribe took to twitter Monday, attempting to link pro-life views with white supremacy. “White Supremacists oppose abortion because...
A Reddit post purporting to be from a man who hired a surrogate is drawing outrage on the internet. The Reddit user...
Recently, The Hill published an op-ed written by Live Action founder and president Lila Rose and former National Council on Disability member Dr....
Eighteen-year-old Hailey Duncan of Memphis, Tennessee, nearly died in July because of her hormonal birth control pills. Duncan was hospitalized when a pulmonary...
A mother in the Australian state of Victoria has become the first casualty of the state’s legalization of assisted suicide. Kerry Robertson,...
A new video from the pro-life group Created Equal features the story of Andrea Lantzy, a post-abortive woman who had been dealing...
According to pro-life group the Susan B. Anthony List, “In 2016 the Obama administration issued a regulation designed to reinterpret civil rights...
While running for president, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a Democratic candidate for president, has declared his support for unrestricted elective abortion,...