Pregnancy is an amazing time in which the body goes through many changes to nourish a new, developing human being, and to...
A federal judge with a history of overturning pro-life laws in Texas has acted again and reversed the ban in Texas on...
In her 2014 autobiography, “There Was a Little Girl: The real story of my mother and me,” actress Brooke Shields revealed that...
Modern adoption is still burdened with stigmas. Adoption myths are all too prevalent. In honor of National Adoption Day, I’d like to...
One of the scariest things for a teenager to face is an unexpected crisis pregnancy. And that’s exactly the situation Miranda found...
During the first trimester of pregnancy, the preborn child is developing at a rapid pace. While even just a couple of decades...
(Secular Pro-Life) I grew up in a family of seven. When my mom put her career on hold to raise us, she decided...
A Venezuelan quadriplegic man has posted a video on YouTube, begging Nicolas Maduro to allow him to undergo euthanasia. Marco Guillen lives in...
This month, a North American family held captive by the Taliban for five years was safely returned to Canada. Caitlan Coleman, who...
It wasn’t that long ago that assisted suicide was seen as a horrific crime; in the 1990s, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was given...
101 years of lies. Seven million children dead. Millions of women scarred. Some of the richest CEOs in the country. Planned Parenthood‘s...
In 2014, Laura Tedder, a woman conceived in rape, shared her story of abortion survival in a video on YouTube. The attempt...
A 17-year-old girl is in the midst of a major court battle between the Trump administration and the ACLU. The girl, an...
Science has proven that a fetus can feel pain — and research shows that it may be even earlier than 20 weeks,...