After the final presidential debate in October, pro-abortion groups and media outlets tried to mislead on the truth regarding late-term abortions, going...
In an 88-page report released in July, the panel’s GOP majority said some [abortion] providers were so eager to profit from selling...
On Thursday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel for Infant Lives announced it has referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast to Texas...
There is contradictory scientific evidence regarding a link between abortions and breast cancer. Could this research be biased one way or another?...
Women’s Med Center of Dayton, Ohio, an abortion facility run by Dr. Martin Haskell, has had its license revoked by the State...
One of the reasons abortion facilities are able to commit so many atrocities against preborn children is that their actions are hidden....
(GRAPHIC photo of abortion is included in this article.) The horrors of saline abortion are well known among the pro-life movement. Saline...
“Every child should be wanted, cared for and loved.” This is a statement that appeared in The Tennessean, a publication of the USA...
It’s no secret that there are ethical problems with IVF. There is the destruction of life, the commodification of children, and the...
In light of recent pro-life victories, including the nation’s decision on November 8th to elect pro-lifers to several key political offices, one abortionist apparently...
The culture of death continues to grow in this country. A particularly disturbing example comes out of Morristown, New Jersey, where a...
Jennifer Baumgardner is a pro-abortion writer and the creator of the t-shirt campaign “I Had An Abortion.” She attempted to start a movement calling...
Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart has not committed any abortions at his Germantown, Maryland, facility since October 30, 2016, according to Operation...
Pro-lifers are hopeful that there can be some progress made to protect preborn babies with a pro-life administration taking office in January....