Citizens of Wisconsin will soon have the option to express pro-life values by purchasing a recently approved license plate design, featuring an ink stamp...
(Daily Signal) Congress took significant steps forward last week in its continued efforts to hold Planned Parenthood and fetal tissue procurement companies...
(Pregnancy Help News) The free speech and religious liberty rights of Illinoisans are in the hands of Judge Eugene Doherty of the...
This week, lawmakers in Arkansas introduced legislation that would ban the second-trimester abortion procedure dilation and evacuation (D&E), better known as dismemberment abortions...
It’s the sad truth that feminism, once a plucky movement with worthy elements dedicated to fighting structural inequities faced by women, has...
Planned Parenthood is furthering its abortion-first business model as evidenced by the closure of three Pennsylvania locations — Chambersburg, Gettysburg, and Scranton — which did...
The Guiding Star Project blog has the story of a woman who was forced to go to an abortion facility after her baby...
According to news reports, 25-year-old New Mexico resident Jessica Duran is suing the Albuquerque late-term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Options, claiming she...
A new law that takes effect this month in Texas requires that the remains of aborted babies be buried or cremated, and...
Anglican pastor Father James Linton was arrested and charged with criminal trespass while standing on a public easement outside a San Bernardino...
Students at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, a public university, are required to complete 30 hours of service learning in the community. According to The College...
After the final presidential debate in October, pro-abortion groups and media outlets tried to mislead on the truth regarding late-term abortions, going...
In an 88-page report released in July, the panel’s GOP majority said some [abortion] providers were so eager to profit from selling...
On Thursday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel for Infant Lives announced it has referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast to Texas...