Far too often, parents receiving a Down syndrome diagnosis for their children are given little support. One group of young adults aims to change that. At...
(PregnancyHelpNews.com) Meet Kynlee. She’s a sweet, soft-spoken little girl who loves Jesus. She enjoys cheerleading, soccer, and spending time with her friends....
I recently spent a weekend at one of America’s most prestigious Ivy League schools. I visited Yale University to attend the Vita...
At 19 weeks gestation, baby Branson died as the result of a twisted umbilical cord. In September, his mother Haleigh shared photos...
Teenagers look forward to their 21st birthdays for a variety of reasons, including the ability to drink alcohol legally and gain another...
Every time we get sucked into one of these arguments — Does Planned Parenthood sell body parts? Does Planned Parenthood do good things besides...
Alexis Cain has become the first member of a sorority at Murray State University in Kentucky to have Down syndrome. Her Alpha...
It is a perennial oddity of abortion apologetics that a movement whose own reasoning is shallow and ethically bankrupt, to the point...
Sometimes, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. The first three videos below show – in a beautiful, life-celebrating...
Despite the media’s very best efforts, the scandals surrounding Planned Parenthood have had an impact on public perception. The abortion giant’s legacy...
Diagnosed with both Down syndrome and fatal brain tumor while still in the womb, Abigail Jones was not expected to live long...
(Pregnancy Help News) As Planned Parenthood continues to grab headlines for the widely publicized atrocities that threaten to bring its once-invincible brand...
Former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson was pivotal in legalizing abortion in New York before Roe v. Wade. After he became pro-life, he...
When Mandy Stewart prepared to obtain her 20-week ultrasound, she initially planned to go alone. Her husband, Brandon, had work that day. However, Stewart had...