When Mandy Stewart prepared to obtain her 20-week ultrasound, she initially planned to go alone. Her husband, Brandon, had work that day. However, Stewart had...
In a drug bust called “Operation Rolling Thunder,” South Carolina law enforcement officials uncovered something both unexpected and horrifying: a mobile abortion...
Actress Stacey Dash is best known for her role in the 90’s hit movie Clueless. These days, Stacey is busy as an actress, writer, Fox News contributor and...
From Dead Reckoning TV comes a “Mystery Science Guy Theater” version of Bill Nye (the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Guy)’s now-infamous video...
Last month, Yahoo printed an article by a mom who horrifyingly wrote that if she had known her daughter would have Down...
Saturday Night Live is not the most pro-life show out there, at least not overtly. But the season 41 premiere last Saturday...
Kaytee Moyer, a non-religious college student, did what the White House and the allies of Planned Parenthood in Congress have chosen not...
(Students for Life) On the fourth day of the Students for Life of America and FRC Action five-day, five-campus Don’t Fund Planned Parenthood bus...
Innovative scientists at the Institut Marques in Barcelona, Spain, have made an amazing discovery. Preborn babies can hear and respond to music...
Last year, supporters of abortion organized a Halloween party while 40 days for Life of Buffalo prayed outside an abortion facility where...
We are supposed to believe abortion serves as an empowering option for women. We are told they not only should be allowed...
The 88-page platform document was released Monday. Under a heading titled “help for the world’s poor” the Liberals promise to “cover the...
(Newsbusters.org) Planned Parenthood isn’t exactly a pro-child organization. Regardless, the media are fawning over this “smart” little girl after her media activist mother...
On September 26, the National Embryo Donation Center held a celebration in honor of not just one special baby, but 500 of...