At the age of six and a half, Danica Wetmore had spent her entire life in a Ukrainian orphanage without anyone coming...
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, and his wife Priscilla are expecting a baby girl. Zuckerberg recently made the exciting announcement on Facebook. In...
“There is a reason why ‘mother,’ ‘baby,’ and ‘abort’ have been changed to ‘a woman’s right to choose’; it’s a marketing ploy...
Silent No More, an organization that compiles the testimonies of post-abortive women, has released a document containing the testimonies of women who...
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the best of times for Planned Parenthood workers...
Author Rachel Held Evans has gained notoriety in Christian circles in recent years as a “progressive Christian.” Now she’s making waves on...
The Motherish shared this video of a tiny preborn baby having conversations with her mommy on Facebook at the end of April...
Ben Watson is the tight end for the New Orleans Saints with a distinguished football career. But he is also a husband, a brother,...
Amid all the horror of the videos on Planned Parenthood, there is a glimpse of light. Some women walk out. Some women...
Women justify abortion for a variety of reasons, but among the most common reason has to do with how having their child...
As horrific as it is, the issue isn’t really the sale of human parts. It’s the legal practice that allows this to even...
As the undercover videos from the Center of Medical Progress have come out, I’ve heard some disheartening remarks about them online. One of the statements...
Pro-abortion groups often describe pregnancy resource center workers as liars, telling women that those who work or volunteer at these centers only care about...
When tragedy strikes, we often lash out at whomever we can, especially if there is someone to blame. But one mother, a...