The popular Netflix drama, House of Cards, is a political thriller currently in its second season. The show is headlined by Kevin Spacey, who...
Black History month is coming to a close, but the fight for life in the black community carries on. This Saturday, March...
On May 24, Choices4Life will host a televised, pro-life 5k run in Houston, Texas. They are seeking runners, walkers, sponsors, and volunteers to join...
Juda Myers, founder of Choices4Life, discovered as an adult that she was conceived during a gang rape. Since meeting her birth mother...
Black leaders in Illinois have closed ranks, calling for increased accountability and safety regulations for abortion mills after the death of Tonya...
Texas maintenance worker Carlos Michel heard faint whimpering sounds coming from a dumpster at a nearby apartment complex. Michel said that what he...
This week, The Daily Beast featured an interview with pro-abortion author and architect Lori Brown. Gabby Bess interviewed Brown about the architecture...
Charlotte Dawson, a model and TV star who achieved fame in Australia, tragically committed suicide earlier this month after a long battle...
Hollywood is known for its liberal ideology and agenda, and few actors stand out as outspokenly pro-life. Celebrities who publicly oppose abortion...
Perhaps you’ve been curious about how Online for Life is able to cooperatively help rescue so many unborn babies and their families...
Paralympic swimmer Jessica Tatiana Long was born in Russia and lived there until she was adopted after she turned one. Her adoptive...
Seeing the fruits of our labor doesn’t happen everyday in the pro-life community. But when a baby is saved from abortion, all...
Calling all crafters and artists… Etsy is a popular site for those who like to purchase handmade gifts. It’s also popular among...
Spoiler Alert: This post will discuss plot details from the Netflix political drama House of Cards. It’s a remarkable time to be...