In Montgomery county, just outside Houston, Texas, Lisa Martinez got a desperate call from her 19-year-old son Gregory, who was with his...
A recent MSNBC panel covering McCullen v. Coakley (a case challenging legislation which bans sidewalk counselors from standing on public property in from of...
TheBlaze recently reported on the story of a remarkable girl, Keelan Glass, who is just six years old and the youngest person...
Most high school seniors seem to be focused on college plans or the senior prom. Katie Greenwood is focused on ending abortion....
A shocking story out of southwest Florida recounted a teacher’s disturbing discovery upon his return to school after summer vacation. Inside a cabinet in...
Alabama health officials proposed new rules Wednesday that would reduce the number of abortions a doctor could perform before his or her...
In what appears to be growing into a disturbing trend, a dead baby was found by authorities inside the purse of Tiona...
Editor’s Note: The following tribute was shared with Live Action by Eddie’s cousin. She writes, “He was 61 years old and was...
By now you’ve probably heard of 15 year old Davion Only from St. Petersburg, Florida. Davion is the brave orphan boy who...
On June 18, 2012 a baby boy named Dominic Pio was born into the world who, had he be given different parents,...
Karrie is a 17-year-old model for Wet Seal. And she has Down syndrome. Karrie’s mom, Sue Brown, tells xojane the story of...
What would you do if you went to your local church Sunday and as the preacher spoke about the many Bible verses...
Last weekend, Auburn University students elected Molly Anne Dutton as their 100th Homecoming Queen and her story became national news. It wasn’t just...
While reading a recent article by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, I learned of a strange and growing trend in the Netherlands. Aborted babies...