Researchers from Durham and Lancaster Universities in the U.K. recently discovered a connection between a baby’s ability to predict its own facial...
In an unusually unbiased look at life values, this week’s episode of The Good Wife (entitled “A Precious Commodity“) tackled the difficult issues that...
The Southern Baptist Convention’s health and financial benefits division filed the first lawsuit directly against the federal government challenging the Affordable Care...
Early this morning, a man with muscular dystrophy was the last of 39,000 participants to cross the finish line at the Chicago...
Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey and the Democratic candidate in the 2013 New Jersey Senate election, has been caught in...
These days, fertility seems to be more a burden to couples than a blessing. Large families were once a staple of the...
Chelsea Clinton, the outspoken daughter of Hillary and former president Bill Clinton, announced last week that 2014 will be the “Year of...
While abortion is expanding in California, it seems that Catholics are taking their stand. Perched in the middle of the ObamaCare controversy...
In 2008, Amy Ford received a vision that changed her life. Amy was enjoying a women’s conference at her church, Gateway, in...
The host of the Emmy award-winning pro-life television series, Facing Life Head-On, will receive the National Pro-Life Recognition Award at the 2014...
Pro-Choice groups and organizations such as Planned Parenthood maintain that abortion is beneficial to women. They claim that women do not have...
“We’re married in God’s eyes.” That was the line Donna’s boyfriend, Doug, used to convince her that sleeping together was compatible with...
Next Tuesday, October 15, students across America will participate in a day of solidarity to show their respect for life. The “Pro-Life...
Next week, on Wednesday, October 9, pro-lifers across America will be participating in an awareness campaign called National Pro-Life Cupcake Day. The...