Researchers are advocating for the development of an “after-sex contraceptive pill” that could be used to abort four-week-old human embryos. Dr. Elizabeth...
Despite the incredible number of medical advances which have enriched and extended the lives of people with Down syndrome, Trisomy 21 continues...
Dave Andrusko at National Right to Life News spotlighted this heartbreaking video from LifeSiteNews. The video was published about a year ago,...
Online for Life, a pro-life organization that maximizes internet search capabilities to lead abortion-minded men and women to life-affirming alternatives, announced Monday...
At one time, Italian doctor Antonio Oriente spent his days as a physician dismembering children in utero as an abortionist. Today he is...
Four of the most notorious late-term abortionists in the United States — LeRoy Carhart, Warren Hern, Shelly Sella, and Susan Robinson —...
On Friday night, ABC dedicated a half-hour segment of the show 20/20 to the heartbreaking story of 27-year-old Floridian Remee Jo Lee’s unknowing abortion...
Amy Ford is a determined and inspiring person. But before I share her story with you, you need to know that she...
Doctors had all but convinced Jen and Brad Mckinstry that they should abort their son Colton. He had been diagnosed with hydrocephalus,...
In a creative and imaginative use of biology and logic in favor of her abortion-advocating agenda, Guardian writer Sarah Ditum deduced that females should...
Brandon Kagel was born into a Jewish family as a triplet with two sisters and an older brother. This Phoenix, Arizona native is...
Kermit Gosnell, the notorious Philadelphia abortionist who was convicted of first-degree murder after the revelation of evidence and eyewitness testimony that he...
Who doesn’t have a soft spot for Sandra Bullock? From ‘Miss Congeniality’ to ‘The Blind Side’ her funny, sweet performances have captured the...
Students for Life of America has big plans for the fall — visiting 41 universities during an eight-week time frame, bringing to...