Contrast our president's National Day of Prayer proclamation with that of Abraham Lincoln, over a century ago.
At the age of 18, Christa March found herself pregnant. Now she helps teen moms across the country and around the world.
This last weekend, pro-abortion protesters were out with signs touting their anti-life demands. Warning: explicit language ahead.
Pro-aborts will stop at nothing to raise a dollar for the right for women to kill their own children.
Ever since Diana Stone, blogger for Babble, tweeted that she was losing her twin unborn sons the world has been helping her...
Yesterday a group of protesters organized by the National Organization for Women-endorsed group Unite Women rallied at the Texas state capitol. They...
Twelve more life-saving sets of wheels will be hitting the road soon.
The Life Fest Film Festival has announced that the films October Baby and Doonby have been nominated for Best Film Honors. Hopefully...
Score one for the good guys in the Golden State! But our work isn't done yet.
Dr. Mark I. Evans is known around the world for his work in genetics, prenatal screening and diagnosis, and the selective reduction...
“I didn’t really want kids,” says Michael Clancy. A terrible, abusive childhood left him with no desire to have children of his...
Even plastic surgery needs to be done by a doctor. Does California find abortions more trivial than plastic surgery?
UPDATE: On Thursday, April 26, the U.S. Department of Labor decided to drop the proposed rule discussed below because of the thousands...
Townhall Magazine will run a story in its May issue on Miss Delaware 2011, Maria Cahill. Maria is a vocal pro-life advocate...