Another heartbreaking story from Canada has surfaced, with yet another person seeking Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) — or assisted suicide — due to...
The University of Florida Student Senate voted last week to allow “emergency contraception,” known as Plan B, to be placed at a...
A study has found that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unwillingness on the part of doctors to resuscitate patients, with...
In May, the Swiss Medical Association released a series of stricter guidelines regarding assisted suicide. Now, assisted suicide businesses like Exit International...
Graham Mansfield, whom the BBC refers to as the “failed suicide pact killer,” has been released from jail and is now calling...
In November of 2021, the law legalizing assisted suicide in New Zealand took effect, and it has already had devastating results: 143...
According to tweets from pro-lifer Stephen Horn, the Raleigh Police Department is declining to charge the driver of a Ford truck who...
(Daily Signal) A new poll revealed that most Americans agree on certain abortion policies. The abortion-related nationwide poll was commissioned from June 3-6...
On Thursday, July 14, the Peruvian Supreme Court ratified a prior ruling allowing Ana Estrada, a 44-year-old psychologist, to undergo euthanasia. Estrada...
This week, the Washington Post published an article entitled, “Women denied abortion rarely choose adoption. That’s unlikely to change.” Surprisingly, it gets...
Called the “son of Washington’s most prominent media couple,” Quinn Bradlee has admittedly lived a good life, but says he would use...
The recent story of the raped 10-year-old in Ohio who had an abortion in Indiana is heartbreaking, and it has triggered a lot of...
A pro-life doctor has responded to a viral TikTok video by biochemist, who erroneously claimed that a human fetus is nothing...
A group of doctors from the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) petitioned the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California...