Every child is a blessing, but when a woman learns she is pregnant and circumstances aren’t the best they could be, raising...
A group of doctors is suing the state of California for erasing conscience protections and forcing them to take an active role...
When it comes to race and abortion, it’s well-known in the pro-life movement that Planned Parenthood was created with the purpose of...
After going to urgent care due to stomach pains, an Illinois woman discovered she was 34 weeks pregnant, and gave birth to...
A woman was allowed to undergo a full-term abortion in India, simply because her baby had a prenatal diagnosis of spina bifida....
A pro-life student at a Las Vegas high school has filed an official complaint against the school after a Students for Life...
An Illinois nurse who was told she had to refer patients for abortions despite her objections has received by a circuit court,...
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author. You may have recently learned that your friends or...
Teen pregnancy has been declining in the United States, but two studies found that the reaction of the teenage girl’s partner to...
(National Review) The push is now on to allow assisted suicide for psychiatric patients. The Journal of Eating Disorders has published a piece urging...
In a tragic move, Colombia has decriminalized abortion in the country up to 24 weeks, following in the footsteps of other large...
A breast cancer screening led a Canadian woman to the astounding discovery that she and seven of her siblings were sold at...
A Dutch hospital has confirmed that Jos Beek, a gynecologist, inseminated patients with his own sperm, resulting in the conception of at...
Janice Hunter, a 75-year-old British woman suffering from blood cancer, died recently at the hands of her husband, as reported by the...