The hit Netflix series House of Cards is continuing its pro-abortion propaganda in its recently released fourth season. This season – specifically within...
Larry Wilmore, John Oliver, and Trevor Noah have been using their TV shows to follow the Jon Stewart model of propaganda: feed...
You would think comedians were supposed to be funny, right? Lately many of them though have turned into bastions of pro-abortion idiocy...
Culture surrounding the annual Super Bowl usually isn’t complete without some haggling over controversial advertisements as companies try to make the most...
In the video below, a YouTube user takes a scene from a movie about Hitler to demonstrate NARAL’s rage at Doritos’ audacity...
Thursday morning, I woke up to find this story trending on Facebook: Wow! “Births paid for by Medicaid rose 27 percent.” That...
In another classy move, NARAL and at least one Planned Parenthood affiliate are tweeting that Rand Paul is going to get punched....
When it comes to coverage of the March for Life, many of us know that it’s hardly existent, if it is at...
In a head-scratching piece at the Huffington Post, Miranda Blue attempts to paint The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden, the man behind the undercover...
I was doing a Google search for the March for Life on Thursday early evening, and the first result was from Jezebel,...
There is nothing more powerful than a person’s life story. The new book, We Choose Life: Authentic Stories, Movements of Hope is...
The United States has some of the most relaxed abortion laws in the world. We are one of only seven nations which...
Developments in ultrasound technology have made many Americans increasingly uneasy about abortion and public opinion is shifting in a pro-life direction. Media...
Since Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, many of the abortion group’s supporters have been in disbelief. Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page continues...