In the wake of the tragic shooting last Friday at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, it’s unfortunate (but not unexpected, given...
When a lone gunman was arrested after killing three people and wounding several others at or near a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood last week, the media...
Slate just loves Jessica Jones, the new Netflix show. Slate also loves to promote abortion and has found a way to combine both. A...
A question posed by New York Times Magazine, which asked readers if baby Hitler should be killed, is an unnecessary and ridiculous distraction. GOP presidential candidates,...
UPDATE: Reuters Agrees to Correct Questionable Abortion Statistic Tuesday, Reuters published an article here by Jon Herskovitz with the following headline: The articles...
One year ago this month, the Harms Report, a unique website which consolidates pro-life news headlines, was launched. The site was modeled...
(Via MRC Newsbusters) Hulu is under criticism – for censoring women’s choices. In a Nov. 11 press release, pro-life group Students for...
While lilting, otherworldly music strums in the background, the voice of Kermit Gosnell comes through the phone. His cousins contemplate how a...
As the 2016 election amps up, abortion is once again making headlines. The debate is being fueled by damning undercover video showing...
Every year, Glamour Magazine recognizes exceptional women in their annual “Women of the Year” awards. And for 2015, despite the scandal surrounding...
It’s no surprise that the pro-abortion magazine Slate would be supportive of pro-abortion people. But one of their recent pieces is raising...
On Meet The Press, host Chuck Todd brought up the issue of abortion with his guest, GOP presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon,...
Amazingly, it seems Planned Parenthood’s defenders have so overplayed the “deceptive editing!” refrain on the Center for Medical Progress undercover videos that...
In only a short time, Bruce Marchiano’s pro-life film, Alison’s Choice: A Film about Life, has gone from vision to reality. As Live...