Two of abortionist Kermit Gosnell‘s former employees were sentenced today by Philadelphia Judge Benjamin Lerner. One of the employees was sentenced to...
In October, 2013, Byron Sanders told a Dallas, Texas, audience the true story of how his wife’s life was saved by their...
Live Action president Lila Rose appeared on Fox News’ Hannity this week to discuss the organization’s most recent Planned Parenthood exposé : [youtube...
It’s scary what counts as comedy these days. So-called “comedian” and co-creator of The Daily Show, Lizz Winstead has recently released her...
The 22-year-old son of former late-term abortionist/convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell, Barron Alexander, was shot while allegedly burglarizing a West Philadelphia home. Gosnell...
Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women reveals the dark, hidden underpinnings of the origination and propagation of the modern abortion movement. Written...
Do these pro-abortion canards ever get old? Comedian Sarah Silverman says fetuses are “goo” and pro-lifers don’t care about women or babies...
Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, has written a column for Huffington Post, irrationally claiming that abortion is essential...
On Friday, just three days shy of its deadline of May 12, the Gosnell movie’s Indiegogo campaign successfully achieved its $2.1 million funding goal....
Every time I see [a butterfly], it reminds me how precious life can truly be. -Michelle Knight, rescued from Ariel Castro’s home...
On February 21, twin girls Anna and Ella were born in Virginia. Two and a half months prior to their birth, the...
Drive west down Lancaster Avenue through Philadelphia’s “Main Line” and you’ll pass picturesque towns fit for movie backdrops. But turn east, and...
Earlier in March, the Associated Press released an article with a dishonest opening paragraph. Phillip Elliot reported on speeches given by Republican...
On Wednesday of last week, the abortionist in South Bend – Dr. Ulrich Klopfer – shoveled snow in an empty parking lot...