Separating the wheat from the chaff...or maybe just the chaff from the other chaff.
Who's trying to save minority babies from being killed again?
That life is a gift from God is not a controversial statement. Who is trying to change that?
All life is sacred! Well...almost all life.
Sometimes you read something that makes you say, "Wait, what?"
Time to get the truth out there.
It's Planned Parenthood's job to lie. It's our job to expose them.
The real war on women is going on within Planned Parenthood's walls.
No, Planned Parenthood still does not do mammograms.
Not too long ago, the press would have been all over the rights-supporting pro-life movement. Not so today.
Mainstream media playing the blame game, avoiding what really matters.
Life itself is perfect.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?
Encouraging black fathers to murder their children is now "neighborhood beautification."