“The Order of Rights,” a new pro-life film released on October 2, comes at a time when our country is considering once...
A pregnant pro-life activist was accosted by abortion supporters at the Women’s March, which was attended by thousands in Washington, D.C., this...
On Friday’s episode of “Real Time,” Bill Maher complained that Green Party voters caused President Donald Trump to win the election in...
The pro-life documentary “Divided Hearts of America” is scheduled to release on September 17, 2020, through online streaming. The film, produced by...
A new film premiering on HBO Max aims to make a joke out of abortion, and in doing so, downplays and mocks...
The term “pregnancy” is trending on Twitter following a tweet from Senator Ted Cruz which stated, “Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and...
Live Action discovered today that one of its most popular videos – a compilation of several animated videos detailing abortion procedures and...
Emily’s story of her experience with abortion pills was traumatizing, but her experience with abortion pill reversal gave her life new meaning...
The latest video from Abortion on Trial again features Dr. Carmen Landau, one of the abortionists being sued for the 2017 death...
The abortion industry has embraced the abortion pill as its next frontier, despite numerous adverse effects on women, including 24 known deaths and...
A pro-life high school student who became the center of controversy after a Washington Post video went viral has settled a defamation...
London-based YouTube star Nicole Thea has died at the age of 24, along with her preborn son. The cause of their deaths...
A British teenager with Down syndrome has made history by starring in a Gucci Beauty campaign, which was featured in Italian Vogue....
Due to the current civil unrest in the United States, movies featuring the voices and experiences of the Black community are currently...