The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the research arm of SBA Pro-Life America, released its findings last week from a survey of 2,750...
A court in the United Kingdom ruled last week that a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which establishes a “buffer zone” around...
The Washington Post has published a follow-up to its investigation into the Smithsonian Institution, which has a staggering collection of human body...
A woman has become the first to die in Italy by assisted suicide with the help of the country’s National Health Service....
A Pennsylvania man has been charged with first and third-degree murder of an unborn child, homicide of an unborn child, and abuse...
Abortion businesses in Ohio have filed a request to permanently repeal the state’s “heartbeat law.” In the request, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood...
A father and mother shielded their two babies from a tornado that demolished their trailer, and even the infant who was spun...
The abortion industry has long been fighting to have the Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer dollars from funding abortions in the United...
A Boston-based doctor has been sued by a former patient, who discovered that he impregnated her using his own sperm when she...
Police in Washington, D.C., have been refusing to investigate the death of baby Phoenix in 2022. For more than a year, advocates...
The family member of a murdered woman in New Britain, Connecticut, wants her alleged killer charged with double homicide for killing both...
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday ruled that a Polish court that denied a woman an abortion violated the woman’s...
In a recent decision, the United States Supreme Court declined to review New York’s abortion facility buffer zone law, missing an opportunity...
According to a press release, The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has confirmed that the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) was investigated by...