On May 8, America First Legal released internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)...
After numerous attempts to legalize euthanasia, the parliament in Portugal has finally succeeded in overriding the president’s veto and getting their fatal...
Inspired by recent developments in the United States where the landmark Roe v. Wade decision was overturned, Canadian pro-lifers sought to emulate...
A 19-year-old in New Mexico is facing a charge of first-degree murder with the alternative of child abuse resulting in death, as...
A pregnant woman in Iowa is being hailed as a hero after she caught a toddler who fell out of a second-story...
Less than 48 hours after a law protecting preborn children from brutal D&E dismemberment abortion procedures was signed into law by Montana...
Politico reporters were named as Pulitzer finalists for their coverage of the Supreme Court and abortion – including the highly controversial leak...
In the recent feature article in the Atlantic spotlighting late-term abortionist Warren Hern, Hern and writer Elaine Godfrey dehumanized preborn children by...
Over the course of several decades, nearly 200,000 women in the United Kingdom (UK) were coerced into relinquishing their babies for adoption....
Former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton advocated for discrimination-based abortions in a tweet on May 15, throwing her support behind...
In another emotional video in Live Action’s “I Saw My Baby” series, Salome describes coming to the realization that she had killed...
Late-term abortionist Warren Hern was profiled in a recent article for The Atlantic, interviewed by Elaine Godfrey. At the beginning of the article,...
Lawmakers held a hearing Tuesday regarding the Department of Justice’s targeting of pro-life activists through the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances...
One North Carolina mom is showing that women are strong and capable — and that it is possible to pursue a degree,...