Joseph Cartagena, a rapper known by his stage name “Fat Joe,” has spoken about his life raising a child with dual diagnoses...
The Satanic Temple (TST) has opened its second abortion facility — this time in Virginia — and has reaffirmed its so-called belief...
Christine Gauthier, a 54-year-old Canadian army veteran and Paralympian, says the Canadian government would quickly approve her for so-called “medical assistance in...
A new frontier has sprung up in the already wildly unregulated IVF industry, and it’s not what one might expect: TikTok influencers...
A Houston man has been charged with the murder of his pregnant wife, as authorities allege he strangled her in their home...
Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision from an appeals court that denies the...
The media continues to spread the lie that late abortion is rare, that no one would get an abortion extremely late in...
The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) and a coalition of Christian employers have filed a lawsuit against the Biden-Harris administration’s “radicalized...
In a recent town-hall meeting in Georgia, former President Donald Trump solidified his commitment to promoting in-vitro fertilization (IVF), calling the Republican...
Actor Bryan Cranston recently appeared at a so-called “Reproductive Rights” rally where he shared his support for pro-abortion laws, citing his daughter...
The issue of euthanasia will be proposed to Parliament in the UK this week, and the local Roman Catholic bishops are speaking...
The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) denied a license last week for an abortion facility looking to open in Pensacola,...
On October 10, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and other pro-abortion groups filed an appeal of a court’s September ruling that denied a request by...
Planned Parenthood Great Rivers (PPGR) will be closing three of its Missouri facilities next month, insisting that these changes will only improve...