A Netflix movie portraying a woman having a fulfilling life after an unplanned pregnancy has garnered the ire of Glamour magazine. The...
As assisted suicide spreads around the world, more and more people with disabilities are falling victim. For many, this is confirmation that...
Google announced Thursday that it will now clearly label abortion facilities in both its search function and in Google Maps. Several lawmakers...
Abortion advocates are continuing their efforts to steamroll over pro-life cultures, now directing themselves towards Latino voters in the United States. In...
A woman who went into premature labor at home called 911 for help, but the negligence of the EMTs who responded to...
Abortion chain Planned Parenthood is pouring money into U.S. elections in what its top leadership is selling as an effort to “save...
Just one day before it was set to take effect, a county judge has sided with an abortion facility and blocked the...
In the shadow of a looming constitutional amendment that would make abortion on demand a “fundamental right” in the state, a new...
After a years-long effort to force churches to cover abortion in their insurance plans, a court has ruled against the state of...
A law protecting nearly all preborn children from abortion in Oklahoma has taken effect. Senate Bill 612, which only allows abortion in...
Mid-term election preparation is in full swing across the nation, and the issue of abortion has taken center stage. According to a...
A pregnant 21-year-old woman from Lebanon has died after her husband allegedly beat her and set her on fire because she wouldn’t...
(Right to Life UK) A woman from India has ended her own life after her partner of eight years forced her to...
A family night sponsored by two Colorado pro-life organizations for a minor league baseball team was canceled just hours before the game...