Planned Parenthood of Southern New England and its allies in the Connecticut General Assembly are attempting to push a new law on...
As Putin’s war rages on in Ukraine, many vulnerable people and children are lost or left behind, forgotten in the chaos and...
UPDATE, 3/21/22: Reports indicate that the bill that would have increased penalties for abortion in Guatemala has been shelved after the country’s...
As the situation in Ukraine becomes more precarious, more people are fleeing the country in the desperate hope of reaching safety. Some...
Kansans will have a chance to protect both mother and child from an unregulated abortion industry in a culminating vote on the...
After decades of coercive population control schemes — first a one-child policy, followed by a two-child policy, which has now been “relaxed”...
Planned Parenthood will not continue with plans to open a new facility on Mooney Boulevard in Visalia, California, after pro-lifers in the...
New York is one of the most pro-abortion states in the country, but after years of making abortion as readily available as...
In a March 1 statement, Down Syndrome International (DSi) urged all parties involved in the Ukraine conflict to ensure the “protection and...
A woman whose son was born at premature 23 weeks is calling for a change in the United Kingdom, where abortion is...
The Texas Supreme Court announced its unanimous decision on Friday in the case of Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson. The court ruled that...
Colombia was filled with approximately 500,000 people on February 27, 2022, who marched across the country in response to a recent court...
Arkansas lawmakers voted to appropriate $1 million in grants to fund pregnancy resource centers in the state. The measure passed the House...
For years, pro-abortion lawmakers have been rallying to overturn the Hyde Amendment. Last year, it looked as if they might finally be...