It’s difficult enough to watch as your son or daughter fights for his or her life, but the parents of premature babies...
Christmas is a holiday dedicated entirely to celebrating the birth of a Child… so it’s always a bit unsettling when abortion advocates...
When Terri and Michael Hawthorn made the decision to become foster parents, adoption was originally not something they were considering. But now,...
In a recently uncovered video aimed at helping parents to explain sex and pregnancy to young children, Planned Parenthood makes it clear that...
April Glaser, a pro-abortion technology writer for Slate, was so upset that her YouTube search for the word “abortion” led her to...
Josepha Seletz, a late-term abortionist in Beverly Hills, is both the owner and operator of the Pro-Choice Medical Center. Newly revealed 911...
Ohio Governor John Kasich signed legislation on Friday to ban dilation and evacuation abortion procedures, more commonly known as D&E or dismemberment...
Ohio Governor John Kasich has vetoed the Ohio “Heartbeat Bill,” which would have banned abortion once a fetal heartbeat could be detected....
Elective abortion has been legal in Italy for four decades, but, unlike many countries with legal abortion, the law recognizes the rights...
Carter and Connor Mirabal once shared a liver, lower chest wall, bile ducts, and part of their small intestine. Their mother, Michelle...
Father Stephen Imbarrato, a regular guest on Catholic television network EWTN (according to Life Site News), along with two other pro-life activists,...
Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky has joined with the American Civil Liberties Union in suing to overturn a 2016 Indiana law stating that...
Pro-life writer Jonathan Van Maren shared a heartbreaking video featuring victims of China’s barbaric One-Child Policy, including a mother forced into an...
Who can and cannot provide potentially dangerous medical services should be about what is safest for the patient, but the abortion industry...