The debate over euthanasia is raging across the world; not only are are numerous states in America fighting to legalize it, but...
60 indigenous women have joined a class action lawsuit in Canada alleging they were coerced into sterilization, even threatened if they did...
In February of 2016, Live Action launched its Abortion Procedures series, featuring former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, with the intention and the hope of...
From the earliest stages of pregnancy, a mother’s immune system supports the growth and development of her child. The mother’s body shelters...
At a time of year when Americans count their blessings, life ranks high on the list. Without life, nothing else is possible....
Pearly Jo (“PJ”) was born at 23 weeks gestation, weighing just 1.1 pounds, and was considered a “micro-preemie,” and is the youngest...
Live Action News has much to be thankful for in 2018, but this Thanksgiving, we are thankful for the many lives saved...
UPDATE, 11/26/18: According to the Daily Journal, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, a Democrat, says he plans to appeal the U.S. District...
Mike Adams — a pro-life and conservative author, columnist, and criminology professor at UNC-Wilmington who successfully sued the university for “denying his...
With Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice, abortion advocates are panicking that the end of Roe v. Wade is...
The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board (KMPDB) has ordered Marie Stopes, one of the world’s largest abortion chains, to stop committing...
Malta remains a strongly pro-life country with numerous laws recognizing the right to life of preborn babies. As is common for other...
As previously reported by Live Action News’ Kristi Burton Brown, Colorado man Chris Watts was on trial for the strangulation death of...
Women are often told that abortion is the path to freedom and ensuring a better future, but many post-abortive mothers have spoken...