A judge has just denied a request from Planned Parenthood to place a new Missouri law on hold, and that decision will...
Last year, a Planned Parenthood facility in Kansas City, Missouri, began committing abortions twice a week. Now, less than a year later,...
A new Gallup poll, released on June 11, 2018, looks at Americans’ attitudes toward abortion. The poll revealed that 48 percent of...
In a press release today, the American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNS (AAPLOG) has announced that the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology...
The Australian state of New South Wales recently passed legislation banning pro-life protesters from coming within 150 meters of abortion clinics (almost...
Abortion is legal through 28 weeks in the United Kingdom under the 1967 Abortion Act, but the law does not extend to...
Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC), Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, joined Live Action president Lila Rose and additional members of Congress in...
When it comes to abortion, Rep. Diane Black, who represents Tennessee’s sixth congressional district, has been an ardent defender of life. A...
Today, Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), co-chairman of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, joined several of his Congressional colleagues as well as Live Action president Lila...
Tuesday, the state of California held its primary in preparation for November’s elections, and Planned Parenthood was thrilled with the results. Why?...
The disposal of aborted children has been a longtime problem for the abortion industry, with some members having such a freezer backup...
On June 4th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision to toss out a lower court ruling against the government in...
The University of California-San Francisco — a state taxpayer-funded university — is a busy bee when it comes to not just promoting...
Notorious abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who made headlines for the death of Jennifer Morbelli, whose uterus he ruptured after he committed a late-term...