At National Right to Life News, Dave Andrusko reports on French lawmakers’ decision to prosecute websites which “aim to dissuade women from terminating a pregnancy by...
Donald Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch, a judge on the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, to replace Antonin Scalia as the next...
Last fall, Colorado citizens voted to legalize assisted suicide. And they voted for it on an overwhelming basis, with two-thirds of voters...
On Monday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits federal funding from going towards foreign...
Today marks a day of hope for the pro-life movement, one that is being called the “dawn of a pro-life administration.” Across the...
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) reports today that the fetal parts procurement company StemExpress has dropped its lawsuit again CMP and...
While Planned Parenthood stirs up its supporters on the news that Congress hopes to defund the organization, the abortion giant continues to shut down...
The Alabama Supreme Court unanimously ruled last Friday in favor of preborn lives in Stinnett v. Kennedy; a lawsuit which involved Alabama...
Soon after the election, Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, was asked about his position on defunding Planned Parenthood. “We’ve already...
The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has released its final report of a year-long investigation into the fetal parts industry. The...
Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee referred Planned Parenthood Federation of American, four Planned Parenthood affiliates, and a number of fetal tissue procurement...
Today, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law a bill prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks, while choosing to veto the bill famously...
According to a lawsuit filed in New York last week, 29-year-old millionaire businessman Ron Ozer attempted to pressure his pregnant girlfriend into aborting their...
In the wake of several thousand calling for abortion reform legislation, New Zealand Justice Minister Amy Adams says she will not consider reforms to...