Since last year’s release of undercover videos documenting abortion industry leaders allegedly engaging in the sale of fetal body parts, Planned Parenthood – along...
A group of pro-life leaders is warning pro-lifers to expect a battle to redefine the Republican Party platform at the upcoming GOP...
Tomorrow, a group of pro-life leaders will meet with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in New York, in hopes of quelling...
Pro-abortion activists are once again using a drone to deliver abortion pills to a pro-life country, this time for symbolic reasons rather...
This week, priest Miguel Fernando García López discovered that the chapel of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (the Autonomous University of Madrid) in...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas is accusing the Texas Department of State Health Services of withholding 2014 abortion statistics, which...
On Wednesday, the Kentucky Court of Appeals granted an injunction against the EMW Women’s Clinic abortion facility sought by Republican Governor Matt...
On Tuesday, pro-abortion activists rallied outside the White House for the United State of Women White House summit, to protest President Barack...
Court hearings began Tuesday over Indiana’s law banning abortions sought for genetic abnormalities, race, or sex, among other pro-life reforms, in a...
In a passionate speech on the House floor on Tuesday morning, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler provided an update on the findings of the...
A pro-abortion Toronto woman has drawn attention for removing pro-life flyers from neighbors’ mailboxes because she deemed them “inappropriate.” The flyers, printed...
According to a new Gallup poll, more Americans consider abortion to be morally wrong than morally acceptable. The poll, which covered a...
Last week the United Nation Human Rights Committee called Ireland “cruel” for its ban on abortion, and now Amnesty International has joined...
Hungary’s abortion rate has fallen a dramatic 22.9% from 2010 to 2015, deputy state secretary for family and demographic policy Tünde Fűrész...