Less than one week after his birth, baby Abdiel has been safely reunited with his mother after being kidnapped by his caregiver...
A doctor in Austria will be forced to pay out tens of thousands of dollars to parents angry their child was born...
Around the world, countries are grappling with plummeting birth rates and the devastation that could result in the very near future. Numerous...
(The Daily Signal) Catholic University [of America] confirmed to The Daily Signal that it has terminated the contract of the professor who...
A new report showed how a woman with severe disabilities leading to breathing problems, was able to safely carry and deliver a...
Chemical abortions, or abortions committed through the abortion pill regimen, are now the most common abortion method in the United States. As...
Members in the French National Assembly, the country’s lower house of parliament, overwhelmingly approved a bill Tuesday that would enshrine a “right”...
A premature baby girl from Singapore, born at 22 weeks, is now five years old. This is a miraculous milestone for her,...
First Lady Jill Biden has invited Kate Cox — the Texas woman who sued the state so she could kill her disabled...
Two people have been arrested regarding an abandoned newborn baby girl — thought to be no older than three weeks — who...
Missouri Senators Nick Schroer and Mary Elizabeth Coleman have filed legislation that would prevent “any abortion facility or any affiliate or associate...
The Dutch doctors’ federation KNMG has removed the age limit requirement for those who want to access assisted suicide by starvation. Per...
Victoria was a single mother with two little girls, working two jobs to make ends meet when she met someone and “fell...
Lawmakers associated with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk have introduced legislation that would undo the country’s widespread preborn protections and allow abortion...