A number of things have changed since the frontier closed, but the female body is not one of them. This is Hillary...
In high school I dreamed I’d be like Oprah. When I got a career, I imagined it’d be something cool like a...
If you were to listen exclusively to pro-aborts, you would get the idea that pro-lifers are a bunch of religious extremist nutjobs,...
In our wonderful American society, many people (especially young people) take pride in wearing the latest fashion, owning the latest Apple products,...
Parts One, Two, and Three can be found here. What did all my life experiences with abortions, abortion clinics, and death in...
Parts One and Two can be found here. After I discovered my second pregnancy, my fiancé and I moved to another state...
My town is a quaint little town with tidy downtown cafes and shops and a picturesque main street. Holiday parades file through...
Part One can be found here. I wondered if something was wrong by the way the nurses were reacting so quickly after...
Abortion advocates often use finances to explain why women need to be able to legally kill their unborn child. They bemoan the...
In my early 20’s, I was four months into a relationship and found myself pregnant. I was raised with sound values from...
How often do you hear a child disposal apologist repeat the talking point that abortion is safer for the mother than childbirth?...
It deeply saddens me when I receive unloving comments, from those who claim to be pro-life, about the abortion I had as a...
Bro-choice is back. Gross.
Women of Oregon beware!