Abortion kills children. Hurts women. Robs our lives of happiness. What else is there to say?
On dealing with the perception of failure in the fight to save lives.
If you're looking for joy and congratulations on your new baby, best steer clear of Planned Parenthood...and the U.S. government.
Not all storms come with wind and rain.
Time to shrug off our cold-hearted ways.
Exactly what "generation" is this woman speaking for?
It's time for all of us to step outside our comfort zones.
It's easy to forget that two people made that baby.
Hoping for North Ireland to make the right choice.
Getting people informed on issues crucial to protecting life.
The full truth benefits everyone. Let's stick to it.
Time to celebrate life - not just for me, but for everyone.
A good argument can't have an emotional foundation.
Who is more pro-woman, again?