Ray Comfort stars in the 180 Movie These celebrities have greatly impacted the pro-life movement, especially in 2011. 5—Ray Comfort Living...
“This is the civil rights struggle that will define our generation,” says Rep. Trent Franks. Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal...
Currently, girls under the age of 17 have needed a prescription in order to use the emergency contraceptive Plan B, often referred...
Editor’s Note: This is Part Two of a series on post-abortion recovery. Jewels Green is a post-abortive mother of three who worked...
Editor’s Note: This is Part One of a series on post-abortion recovery. Jewels Green is a post-abortive mother of three who worked...
First came the news that Siri, the iPhone 4S’s snazzy voice-recognition assistant, directs users to crisis pregnancy centers but not abortion clinics....
It’s interesting to ponder the fact that abortion-rights groups can be so adamant about their unwillingness to publicly discuss what it is...
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has an outstanding record of 10 years of assisting human rights, sex traffic victims and...
The Washington Post’s Melinda Henneberger recently had a chat with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in which the far-left politician reiterated...
Ann Furedi, chief executive of the abortion chain British Pregnancy Advisory Service recently engaged with Will Saletan in a debate over the...
Nancy Pelosi has a bone to pick with pro-life Christians, because “they have this conscience thing.”[1] The Protect Life Act is being...
One of the great philosophical divisions of our time is between those who believe progress is steadily making mankind happier, healthier, and...
Whether you’re a gamer or not, you probably know of the recent release of the latest game in the Call of Duty...
The following is a response to excerpts from a column published by The Daily Collegian by Kellie Quinn. “On Nov. 8, voters...