Nancy Pelosi has a bone to pick with pro-life Christians, because “they have this conscience thing.”[1] The Protect Life Act is being...
One of the great philosophical divisions of our time is between those who believe progress is steadily making mankind happier, healthier, and...
Whether you’re a gamer or not, you probably know of the recent release of the latest game in the Call of Duty...
The following is a response to excerpts from a column published by The Daily Collegian by Kellie Quinn. “On Nov. 8, voters...
Despite a temporary restraining order, twelve nurses of New Jersey’s University of Medicine and Dentistry who were almost forced to participate in...
As we watch Planned Parenthood crumble into the dust, being happily broken, crippled and defunded from every side, we have every right...
Remember when I mentioned the pro-abortion movement’s silly habit of being unbearably elitist? They aren’t exactly kicking the habit. This I maintain,...
The failure of the Mississippi personhood amendment is disappointing but not surprising—the public’s general confusion on abortion, mixed messages from MI Governor...
Two facts. First, a strong majority of Mississippians are pro-life. Second, a majority of Mississippians voted against the personhood amendment, which stated:...
I’ve been watching pro-abortion pundits and organizations celebrate the defeat of the Mississippi Personhood Amendment. I think we can glean from the...
The results of the Mississippi election are rolling in and sadly, it looks like the movement to define Personhood from the moment...
The following is from Planned Parenthood’s new campaign, “Women are Watching,” which essentially calls on citizens to vote for pro-abortion candidates in...
1. Videos of Laughing Babies I don’t know if anyone realizes this, and someone really should tell a psychologist, but there exists...
As pro-lifers, we know what we believe and fully comprehend the worthy cause that we are fighting for. The protection of life,...