In a disturbing first-person narrative, writer Alexandra King penned an op/ed for the Santa Barbara Independent on Saturday where she argues for abortion,...
Shortly after taking office, President Donald Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, barring US taxpayer dollars from funding international organizations that perform...
Planned Parenthood and oppressive Chinese government institutions have at least one thing in common: both are accused by multiple sources of pushing abortion quotas. In 2015,...
Human dignity is the basis for human sanctity. The sanctity and dignity of human life is not earned, it is inherent. Yet...
The March for Life is an annual event held every January in Washington, D.C., that marks the gathering of hundreds of thousands...
Many thousands of people from various walks of life gathered near the Washington Monument on Friday, January 27, for the 2017 March...
With the March for Life last weekend, and the Women’s March on Washington the week before that, so the debate over being...
January saw many different marches, including two related to abortion, less than a week from one another. If you turned to the mainstream...
Pro-abortion blogger Robin Marty has in the past been a little fairer than most of her colleagues, but you wouldn’t know it...
Less than a week into his presidency, Donald Trump has already made several encouraging moves for life: restoring the ban on foreign...
Several restaurants and eateries in D.C. announced their support of abortion business Planned Parenthood on the eve of the inauguration of President...
With the 2015 expose that exposed Planned Parenthood for allegedly profiting from the trafficking of aborted baby body parts, many Americans would like to see this organization federally...
I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was supposed to be on a date, but a quick trip to Walmart...
Dear Mr. President, As star of The Apprentice, you said two words again and again: “You’re fired.” Now that you’re in the White...