This week, a pastor friend of mine asked my feedback on a post someone left on his Facebook regarding abortion. He wanted my...
Conservative speaker Star Parker was part of a lecture series at California State University Los Angeles recently where a psychology professor angrily...
Lying to the public on behalf of lax abortion laws is a cottage industry, but Samantha Bee, host of TBS’s “Full Frontal,” delivers...
CNN has reported on a baby who was born twice. LynLee Boemer was removed from her mother’s womb at 23 weeks gestation...
What is “the alt-right?” Last month, Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor helped organize a press conference to address that question. Despite coming...
Late-term abortion got some attention recently. At the third presidential debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested it’s only done out...
At Salon, our old pal Amanda Marcotte takes umbrage at a recent Slate piece by Ruth Graham highlighting the rise of young,...
I usually don’t agree with what Vox has to say, but here’s something they got right: “The unfilled vacancy of Antonin Scalia’s...
The San Francisco City Hall was flooded with pink lights on Monday night to honor Planned Parenthood with its signature color, according to...
Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly of The O’Reilly Factor addressed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s stance in favor of late-term abortion from...
Federal law doesn’t limit when an abortion can happen; some states don’t either. In New Mexico, Southwestern Women’s Options will abort children...
In December of 2014, Canadian Cassie Kaake was looking forward to something: the arrival of her daughter, Molly. Unfortunately, baby Molly didn’t...
I hope you’re not reading this soon before or after a mealtime, because today we’re going to talk about another case of...
An anniversary just went by: twenty years ago, football star O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murdering two people. One was a waiter...