I am an introvert. Introverts crave alone time, value their boundaries, and gain energy from solitude. I feel immense joy when I...
Former New Mexico governor and Libertarian Party front runner Gov. Johnson has pledged not to fund abortion. You can find that promise on his...
Do you like freedom of speech? Planned Parenthood doesn’t. A California bill they support would ban the posting of photos or footage...
Today’s culture is strangely paradoxical when it comes to disability and mental illness. On the one hand, medical advances have greatly increased...
There’s a reason I don’t like calling abortion advocates “pro-choice.” A lot of them aren’t. Former New York City mayor and Planned...
Sometimes when pro-abortion propagandists are desperate to find a new angle from which to attack pro-lifers as heartless phonies, they end up...
On Wednesday, Sharon Coutts at Rewire (formerly RH Reality Check) reported on crisis pregnancy centers’ use of geo-fencing technology to advertise alternatives...
If you’re at college, you might hear about the Sexual Health Advocacy Group – SHAG for short. Known as “shaggers” (seriously), members try...
There’s a good chance you’ve seen advertisements for a new movie that has been released. Imploring moviegoers to “live boldly,” “Me Before...
It’s hardly breaking news that abortion is a humungous blind spot for many who picture themselves champions of a more compassionate, enlightened...
Pro-lifers get accused of wanting to control others. That seems strange, especially when you look at some of those doing the accusing....
Planned Parenthood has worked very hard to convince Americans that it is a health care provider. The corporation focuses on the services it...
On April 19 Rebekah Buell stood before California’s State Assembly to defend AB 2134, a bill stating that all abortion clinics providing...
A thirteen year-old girl was raped in rural India this past January. Two months later, the perpetrator was punished. So was his...