Last year in Paraguay, a 10 year-old girl became pregnant after getting raped. Her mother demanded an abortion, and when officials refused,...
Abortion advocates will go to pretty disturbing extremes to show their support for abortion, but the Satanic Temple of Detroit is fast...
Florida is the latest state to defund Planned Parenthood, as Governor Rick Scott signed into law a bill that bans taxpayer funding for...
In August, a little girl is going to see her first birthday. For most people, that’s a reason to celebrate. For some...
A recent New York Times article on the investigation into fetal parts research by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives...
As of now, Donald Trump is the GOP’s leading presidential contender. What could pro-lifers expect from his administration? I don’t know. I’m...
“Pathetic,” “bizarre,” and “dishonest.” As the saying goes, you know you’re over the target when you’re getting flak. Right Wing Watch, a...
Being in control of one’s own body might possibly be abortion activists’ most frequently used argument for legalizing abortions. It’s as if women are...
There’s a few lines abortion advocates really seem to like. Among the more popular? “A fetus isn’t human.” When it comes to...
Part of my job involves answering arguments about abortion. That’s not always easy; there are days when refuting someone’s point can involve...
Torture has been in the news a lot. Even GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged to inflict “a hell of a lot...
Ilyse Hogue is one of the abortion industry’s loudest defenders. As president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, she’s fought to keep late-term abortion...
“Many of those fighting against us have claimed that our efforts to defend and protect life at all stages of development constitute...
On Friday, I had the unique opportunity to tour an empty ambulatory surgical center. The facility has been built in compliance with...