Her tone sounds more like an amateur debater who hasn’t yet learned the art of argumentation; instead, she’s a columnist for the...
No candidate is perfect, but the last major candidate to try winning the Republican presidential nomination without working to earn the support...
Judicial nominees are one of the most critical ways the next president will influence the future of abortion in America, which is...
The Daily Show’s reputation as a vehicle for Generation Y to speak truth to power was never true, but its latest bit...
Nobody liked Aneshia’s new boyfriend. Recently released from jail but full of promises, Aneshia’s mother saw trouble from a mile away. As...
In a shocking turn of events, a Houston county grand jury has indicted the citizen journalist behind the undercover Planned Parenthood videos,...
On January 23, it seemed Donald J. Trump realized he had made a mistake. He had failed to make a single statement...
The celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday often brings with it attempts to twist and pervert his legacy to score political...
Last week, Rand Paul introduced a pro-life bill he’s grown associated with over the past several years, the Life at Conception Act,...
Have you ever gotten an unexpected favor? I sure have: a ways back, some really nice folks put my email address on...
What happens when pregnancy help centers “win”? Six women who made courageous choices for life in unexpected pregnancies thanks to community-supported pregnancy...
Charles Spurgeon once said this about suffering: It would be a very sharp and trying experience to me to think that I...
(IAmUntold) A single mom with no support system and faced with a second pregnancy. As I walked through the doors of a...
Pro-abortion outlets including Gawker, Jezebel, Raw Story, and ThinkProgress are ganging up on Carly Fiorina for a mix-up at the Iowa Right...